Oops, been a while since my last post, sorry! I've been completely neglecting this little old blog, but it is summer, I know you understand. Our weather in Oregon has been wonderfully summery, and we've been trying to fit in all the summer activities we can. Sadly, that has left little time or motivation for sewing. I sew in the garage, which turns into a little oven this time of year, combined with the smell of the chickens my neighbor keeps in her garage makes it not the most pleasant place to be. Hot chicken smell, and I'm not talking KFC. Anyway, I've been spending my evenings on the couch, messing about with a bit of embroidery. I've been stitching away on a few silly things and a few secret things, and now I can let this one out of the bag now that it has made it's way to it's new home! Early in the summer it was discovered that my awesome sister-in-law and I both share a huge soft spot for the Stephen King movie IT. Perhaps I should clarify, I do so love the book and movie, but, Pennywise the clown seriously freaks me out! The nightmares I used to have were terrible, and even now I try to not think about him late at night or I know I won't be sleeping easily. So as soon as said sister-in-law finds this out, I started getting things like this
And this
popping up all over my facebook page. Isn't that sweet of her? Yeah, my husband's family is awesome like that. So, one time after I was telling her how I sometimes imagine him slowing rising up into view at the foot of my bed at night, I got inspired to make this piece.
It was my first time attempting felt applique, and even though I thought it was looking pretty amateur while I was making it, I think all together it looks pretty good. I stuffed the balloon with some fiberfill to give it a little dimension and then painted the wood hoop a silvery shade to go with the silver text. Did I mention my sister-in-law is a social worker for children? I thought it would be a super awesome piece of art for her office...don't you think?
I have a companion piece in mind, but it's been weeks since I've sewn anything and I can hear my machines siren song calling me, not sure how much longer I will be able to resist her, and put my embroidery back on the shelf for a few months.